
Accessing the Model

The easiest way to access the model is to clone the latest version from the HF repository:

git clone

Running the Classifier


Test the model out in a Colab Notebook

The trained model (the model weights, architecture, training configuration, optimizerm, etc) is saved as a .h5 file.

A mapping of class names to columns is saved in the class_list.json file.

The model can be loaded using easily:

from tensorflow import keras
model = keras.models.load_model("phytoClassUCSC/phytoClassUCSC.h5")

The model expects an image as an array of the shape (299, 299, 3) (width, height, channels). Although images should be converted into greyscale, the model still expects three channels.

Here is an example of image preprocessing:

import keras_preprocessing.image as keras_img

def prep_image(fname):
""" Load and prep images for model, reshape and normalize rgb to greyscale """

    img = keras_img.img_to_array(
            keras_img.load_img(fname, target_size=target_size)
    img /= 255
    img = img.reshape((1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))

return img

Classification is done using the model.predict method:

img = prep_image("test_image.jpg")
pred = model.predict(img)

The output of model.predict is an array of probabilities for each class. The index of the highest probability is the predicted class.


See Caveats Section for why this may not be a good idea.

Making Sense of Results

The output of model.predict is an array of probabilities that the image belongs to each of the given classes. Across all of the classes, the probabilities sum to 1. If we assume that the index of the highest probability is the predicted class, then we can use the class_list.json file to map the index to the class name.

Example of how to find the highest probability index and the corresponding class name:

import json
with open("phytoClassUCSC/class_list.json") as f:
    class_list = json.load(f)

pred_class = class_list[str(pred.argmax())]
