Megan McKinzie is CeNCOOS’s Animal Telemetry Network (ATN) coordinator for the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System. Megan interfaces with the U.S. marine animal telemetry community, and communicates with scientists on data policies and data management best practices for telemetry management systems. Megan earned a PhD in fisheries and allied aquacultures from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. Her dissertation was “Horizontal and vertical movement patterns, residency and mortality of gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus, on artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico.” Before coming to MBARI, Megan worked as a research assistant at the Auburn University Gulf Coast Research and Extension Station in Fairhope, Alabama.

Megan McKinzie
Associate StaffATN Data Coordinator CeNCOOS Program Office 831-775-1791