M1 data QC methods

MBARI Mooring Quality Control Description

General Data disclaimer

No guarantees are made about the validity or accuracy of these data.
If all the values for an instrument are -99’s then that instrument is
either absent or not returning any good data.

General Mooring Quality Control

Temperature, salinity, humidity, air pressure, and wind speed data are
flagged using 2.25 biweighted standard deviations from the biweight mean.
The method is based upon that outlined by John R. Lanzante in
International Journal of Climatology
Vol 16 pp. 1197-1226 (1996).

Bad and Flagged Met or CTD data

Null or Bad values are listed as -99. On the plots, data within the bounds
of the plot but marked bad are plotted in red. Data outside of the plot’s
bounds are plotted as red triangles in the upper part of the graph.

Bad or Flagged MicroCat Data

Null or bad values of microcat data are listed as -99.
Flagged data within the bounds of the plot are plotted as black circles with the central dot the color of
the depth from which the data came.
Bad data which
lay outside of the bounds of the plot are plotted as circles in the color of
that depth at the top or bottom of the plot.

Bad or Flagged ADCP Data

Null or bad values of ADCP data are listed either as -99 or -3278.2.
If the whole profile consists of -99’s, the instrument is either absent or
failing to send valid data. Values marked with a -99 or -3278.2 are marked
bad internally by the RDI software.
The data are flagged as being bad if any beam has a correlation value
below 64 or if the percentage good for both 3 and 4 beam solutions are less
than 25 percent.
Any data failing these standards are flagged as bad, but the actual data values are not changed.
The data are flagged as being bad if any beam has a correlation value
On the plots, data within bounds but marked as bad are plotted in black.
Data out of the plot’s bounds are plotted as blue triangles.

Data Quality Control Bounds

Variable Lower Bound Upper Bound
Air Temperature (°C) 0 40
Relative Humidity (%) 20 100
Air Pressure (mb) 950 1040
Wind Speed (m/s) 0 50
Sea Surface Temperature (°C) 5 20
Sea Surface Conductivity (S/m) 2 6
Surface Microcat Pressure (db) 0 2
Microcat Temperature (°C) 5 22
Microcat Coductivity (S/m) 3 6

Data are flagged using a biweighted standard deviation.
If a datum falls more than 2.25 standard
deviations away from the biweighted mean, it is flagged as bad.
The method is based upon an article by John R. Lanzante in International
Journal of Climatology
Vol 16 pp 1197-1226 (1996).