Monthly Archives: February 2020

California Ocean Observing Showcase
Sunday, February 09, 2020 - 12:00amThe California Ocean Observing Systems (CeNCOOS and SCCOOS) held a joint meeting in Sacramento on 19 November 2019 to showcase the Systems’ capabilities and to promote a shared vision for the future of ocean and coastal observing in the State of California. The goals of the meeting were to: Improve awareness of the California Ocean […]

West Coast Biological Observations Coordination Network
Sunday, February 09, 2020 - 12:00amAlong the West Coast, the California Current plays a key role in the ocean’s productivity. Beginning off southern British Columbia, the Current is part of the North Pacific Gyre and flows south past Washington, Oregon, California and ends off southern Baja. The cool waters of the Current moving south, combined with extensive upwelling that brings […]

San Francisco Bay Seagrass Restoration
Sunday, February 09, 2020 - 12:00amThe State Coastal Conservancy’s Living Shorelines Project in San Francisco Bay, which includes planting and then monitoring restored seagrass areas, has recently begun. Eelgrass planting has commenced and we will soon streamline access to the biological data. The associated carbonate chemistry monitoring is projected to start in the Spring of 2020.